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Motorcycle Accident Attorney Serving Macon & Savannah, Georgia

According to the Georgia Department of Driver Services, in 2019 there were 3,948 motorcycle crashes in the state, and motorcyclists represented 11% of total traffic fatalities. Motorcycle accidents are deadly and devastating; motorcyclists are often viewed as reckless by the general population.

If you or a loved one has been in a motorcycle accident, you may be able to seek financial compensation for your losses. At The Law Offices of Peter Meyer, P.C., we have spent over two decades practicing personal injury law. We know the tactics that insurance companies use to avoid compensating victims.

Our team at The Law Offices of Peter Meyer, P.C. is committed to delivering personalized attention, professionalism, and respect for every single client. We are proud to serve clients in Macon, Savannah, Bibb, Houston, Chatham, and Peach, Georgia, as well as in nearby areas.

After a Motorcycle Wreck
Contact Us

If You Were in a Georgia Motorcycle Accident

A moment of distracted driving is all it takes to cause a serious motorcycle accident. After the crash, take these steps to ensure your safety and to protect your case.

Seek Medical Help

If you have not already seen a medical professional, make sure to schedule an appointment or go to a walk-in clinic as soon as possible. Even if you do not believe that you were injured in the crash, it is important to seek help from a medical provider. A professional can diagnose injuries that you might miss and can prescribe the proper course of treatment.

Document and Gather Records

At the scene of the accident, if possible, take pictures of the motorcycle, the other vehicles involved, and the scene of the accident, as well as your injuries. Exchange information with the other driver, including contact information, license plate numbers, and the name of their insurance provider.

After the crash, keep copies of your medical bills, your motorcycle repair bills, and all other documentation related to the accident.

Contact Insurance

As soon as possible after the accident, you need to call and notify your insurance company about what happened. Only share details of the accident with your insurance company—not the other driver’s insurance agent, no matter how friendly they may seem.

Hire a Personal Injury Attorney

Motorcyclists are often viewed with bias. Insurance adjusters claim that motorcyclists are reckless and irresponsible, and therefore, sometimes offer a lower settlement amount than what’s appropriate. A skilled personal injury attorney can represent your best interests while applying their knowledge of Georgia law—as well as insurance tactics—to your case.

Georgia Motorcycle Laws

Knowing the fundamentals of Georgia motorcycle laws can help you understand what might happen in your case.

Lane Splitting

Lane splitting is when a motorcyclist or cyclist rides on the line between two lines in order to pass slow-moving vehicles. It’s also known as stripe-riding – and it can be extremely dangerous. In Georgia, lane splitting is illegal.

Helmet Laws

Under Georgia law, all riders, no matter their age, are legally required to wear a helmet. The helmet must be in compliance with the U.S. Department of Transportation regulations. The Georgia Motorcycle Operators Manual encourages riders to wear face and eye protection as well.


Only experienced motorcyclists should allow passengers to ride with them. It is important to take extra precautions when riding with a passenger, such as checking the air pressure in both tires before the journey, braking earlier, and riding slower.

The motorcycle also should be equipped with a large enough seat for the rider and passenger, footrests for the passenger, and secure hand straps or handholds for the passenger.

Determining Fault

Establishing who was at fault for a motorcycle accident is a key step of the personal injury claim process. There are several factors that must be considered when determining fault.


Typically, when a driver or motorcyclist does not perform their duty of care to a reasonable standard, they have acted with negligence.

Examples of negligence include not using a turn signal, failing to stop at a red light, checking a phone when eyes should be on the road, and other similar actions—or failures to act. Speak with an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer to learn more about negligence.

Modified Comparative Fault State

George uses the modified comparative fault rule when determining personal injury cases. This rule states that a driver or rider who was in an accident can receive compensation for that accident, even if the accident was partially their fault.

For example, if the motorcyclist was speeding when the accident happened and it is determined that their speeding made them 25% at fault for the accident, then the amount of compensation they could receive would be reduced by 25%. A $10,000 award would become $7,500 in this example.

If Your Loved One Was Injured in a Motorcycle Accident

Motorcycle accidents are extremely serious and can lead to grave injuries, or, in the worst-case scenario, death. If your loved one was injured in a motorcycle accident to the point that they are incapacitated and no longer able to speak for themselves, you can act on their behalf.

When the worst has happened and a loved one passes away in a motorcycle accident, you and your family need time after this tragedy. When you are ready, you may seek to file a wrongful death claim against the person who caused the accident.

Motorcycle Accident Attorney Serving Macon & Savannah, Georgia

A motorcycle accident victim must try to physically recover and deal with the costs of medical bills at the same time. Our team at The Law Offices of Peter Meyer, P.C., can help you shoulder this burden and work closely with you to represent your best interests. We are proud to serve clients in Macon, Savannah, Bibb, Houston, Candler, Telfair, Wheeler, Bleckley, and anywhere else in Georgia. Contact our attorney today to schedule a consultation.