Over 25 Years Of Serving Injured Clients In Georgia

How Do You Know When to Contact a Personal Injury Law Firm?

On Behalf of | Jan 18, 2023 | Firm News

Of the 30 million people who are injured in the United States each year, 2 million of them are injured severely enough to require hospitalization, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. Hospital bills can add up quickly, and many people struggle to come up with the finances to pay them.

If this situation sounds familiar, you may be questioning your next steps. You might be contemplating saving money and handling your personal injury claim on your own, but even a small mistake can lead to major complications down the line. Instead, consider contacting an experienced personal injury attorney for advice.

At The Law Offices of Peter Meyer, P.C., our attorney has spent more than 20 years helping clients recover compensation for their personal injury claims. With locations in Macon and Savannah, Georgia, we’re able to represent clients in the surrounding areas of Bibb, Houston, Laurens, Chatham, Peach, Twigs, Jones, Dodge, Telfair, Wheeler, Bulloch, Candler, and Bleckley.

Contact us today for the personalized attention and knowledgeable guidance you deserve.

Common Personal Injuries

Over the course of his career, our attorney Peter Meyer has handled a wide variety of personal injury cases. Some of the most common causes of his clients’ injuries include:

We understand just how important the outcome of your case is to your finances and your future. No matter what kind of injury brings you into our office, we are prepared to do whatever we can to help you work through it.

Knowing When to Contact a Personal Injury Law Firm

Handling your personal injury claim without representation can cause more stress than necessary, especially when certain circumstances come into play. There are some situations in which contacting a personal injury law firm can be particularly beneficial.

When Your Injuries Are Serious

Oftentimes, the more serious your injuries are, the more imperative it is that you hire an attorney. This is because more serious injuries require more extensive medical care and rehabilitative therapy, both of which can be incredibly costly. A skilled personal injury attorney can negotiate on your behalf in order to help you recover the maximum amount of damages, including emotional distress damages for any pain and suffering you experienced.

When Time Is of the Essence

If you’re hoping to recover compensation for an injury, you only have a certain amount of time to do so. In the state of Georgia, the statute of limitations for most personal injury lawsuits is two years from the date the injury occurred. An attorney who knows how to efficiently and effectively navigate the legal process may be able to help you secure a settlement in a more timely manner.

When Dealing With Your Insurance Company

When you file a personal injury lawsuit, you will likely be going up against your insurance company (which is likely a major corporation) and its legal team. You and your insurance company also have opposing goals:

  • You want to recover the maximum amount of compensation possible; and
  • Your insurance company wants to pay out as little as possible

Personal injury attorneys deal with insurance carriers on a regular basis. They can anticipate which defenses your insurance carrier may use and craft well-crafted arguments to combat them. If your case must go to trial, your personal injury attorney can also advocate on your behalf.

Questions to Ask a Personal Injury Attorney

Before officially hiring a personal injury attorney, you’ll likely want to make sure they’re equipped to handle your case. The following is a list of questions you can ask to gauge whether an attorney is right for you:

  • What’s your level of experience handling my type of case?
  • Do you think I can win my case, and if so, how much do you think I could get?
  • Who will do the work on my case?
  • Do you work under a contingency fee agreement? If so, what percentage of my recovery would you charge?
  • What other fees would I have to pay?

Once you have all of your questions answered, you can determine whether to move forward with the attorney or explore other options.

Turn to Experienced Legal Representation

Hiring a personal injury attorney is one of the best things you can do to maximize your chances of recovering compensation. With an experienced legal professional in your corner, you will have access to their wealth of knowledgeable and well-honed negotiation skills — both of which can aid in the outcome of your case.

Contact us today at The Law Offices of Peter Meyer, P.C. Our personal injury attorney is prepared to thoroughly assess the details of your claim and help you come up with a plan to pursue fair compensation. Get started today by scheduling a consultation with us in either Macon or Savannah, Georgia. We are also proud to serve in the surrounding areas of Bibb, Houston, Laurens, Chatham, Peach, Twiggs, Jones, Dodge, Telfair, Wheeler, Bulloch, Candler, and Bleckley.